Day 5089 since Dx...

Day 5089 since Dx...

1989 was the year I graduated (I had to check to see if my diploma was in the case ?)... and I never thought that I would ever get fat or certainly not CANCER!

But both came true, and I hv been successful with losing the weight and I’m going to be successful at losing the CANCER!

When I was finished stretching and my morning journal I was coaxed into the kitchen by the aroma of cinnamon and buckwheat pancakes, with blueberries and bananas along with organic maple syrup... Elizabeth Novy is SPOILING ME!

I received a package yesterday from my FTO from IPD that told me I was like “DEADPOOL” and he sent me this little Guy...

I sat down for quite a while to practice my guitar, and I was definitely frustrated!!

But that’s how we grow, Right?

I was also able to get my him Hof breathing in this morning and I was happy with my results, from about 2 weeks ago.. that is holding my breath on the out breath with no air in my lungs... I’m going to blow the medical staff away at MSK!

I think this quote is fitting:

“Productivity is being able to do things that U were never able to do before “

Frank Kafka

I’m beat and going to bed

Sweet dreams

Jason Berger